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La Rosa, Raffica (2 Abstracts)
Lacey, Elizabeth P. (2 Abstracts)
Lachance, Joseph (1 Abstract)
Lackey, Alycia (1 Abstract)
Lacy, Robert (1 Abstract)
Lai, Zhao (1 Abstract)
Laidlaw, Clinton Thomas (1 Abstract)
LaJeunesse, Todd (2 Abstracts)
Lake, Karoline (4 Abstracts)
Lallos, Gregory (1 Abstract)
Lambert, Jon (1 Abstract)
Lambert, Shea (1 Abstract)
Lan, Yinghong (1 Abstract)
Landberg, Tobias (1 Abstract)
Landis, Michael (1 Abstract)
Landy, J. Alex (1 Abstract)
Lane, Andrew N. (1 Abstract)
Lane, Christopher (1 Abstract)
Lane, Kelly (1 Abstract)
Lanfear, Robert (2 Abstracts)
Lange, Elizabeth C. (1 Abstract)
Langerhans, Brian (3 Abstracts)
Lanier, Hayley (1 Abstract)
lapiedra, oriol (1 Abstract)
Lapoint, Rick (1 Abstract)
Lapp, Hilmar (1 Abstract)
Lara, Adolfo (1 Abstract)
Lark, Amy (1 Abstract)
Larson, Erica (1 Abstract)
Latta IV, Leigh C. (2 Abstracts)
Laturney, Meghan (1 Abstract)
Lau, Chuen Yan (1 Abstract)
Laughton, Alice (2 Abstracts)
Lavery, Shane (1 Abstract)
Lavi, Eitan (2 Abstracts)
Lawing, A. Michelle (1 Abstract)
Lawler, Sharon (1 Abstract)
Lawson, Lucinda (1 Abstract)
Lazzaro, Brian (1 Abstract)
Le Poul, Yann (1 Abstract)
Leaché, Adam (3 Abstracts)
Leavitt, Dean (1 Abstract)
Ledon-Rettig, Cristina (1 Abstract)
Lee, Caitlin E. (1 Abstract)
Lee, Jared (2 Abstracts)
Lee, Judy (1 Abstract)
Lee, Mike (1 Abstract)
Lee, Young Wha (1 Abstract)
Leese, Florian (1 Abstract)
Lehman, Niles (1 Abstract)
Lehmann, Laurent (1 Abstract)
Lehto, Whitley (1 Abstract)
Leichty, Aaron (1 Abstract)
Leichty, Aaron R. (1 Abstract)
Leigh, Jessica W. (1 Abstract)
Leighton, Gavin M (1 Abstract)
Leinonen, Paivi H (1 Abstract)
Leisen, Rebecca (1 Abstract)
Leite, Rafael N (1 Abstract)
Lemmon, Alan R. (3 Abstracts)
Lemmon, Emily (1 Abstract)
Leng, Xuguang (2 Abstracts)
Lenski, Richard (6 Abstracts)
Lenski, Richard E (2 Abstracts)
Leonberger, Adam (1 Abstract)
Lescak, Emily (2 Abstracts)
Lesley, Campbell (1 Abstract)
Lessa, Enrique P (1 Abstract)
Lettieri, Liliana (2 Abstracts)
Leung, Nicole (1 Abstract)
Levesque, Andre (1 Abstract)
Levin, I.I. (1 Abstract)
Lexer, Christian (1 Abstract)
Li, Anna (1 Abstract)
Li, Jingchun (1 Abstract)
Li, Qing (2 Abstracts)
Liberman, Uri (1 Abstract)
Liebeskind, Benjamin (1 Abstract)
Lima, Andre L A (2 Abstracts)
Limborg, Morten (1 Abstract)
Lin, Hsiu-Chin (1 Abstract)
Lin, Randall (1 Abstract)
Linder, C. Randal (2 Abstracts)
Linderoth, Tyler (1 Abstract)
Lindgren, Elise (1 Abstract)
Lindroth, Richard L. (1 Abstract)
Lindsay, Alec R. (2 Abstracts)
Lindtke, Doro (1 Abstract)
Linkem, Charles (1 Abstract)
Links, Matthew (1 Abstract)
Linnen, Catherine (4 Abstracts)
Lisle, Curtis (1 Abstract)
Liston, Aaron (3 Abstracts)
Literman, Robert (1 Abstract)
Liu, Min (1 Abstract)
Liu, Shiping (1 Abstract)
Lively, Curt (2 Abstracts)
Livnat, Adi (1 Abstract)
Lloyd, Graeme (1 Abstract)
Lloyd, Graeme T. (1 Abstract)
Lloyd-Smith, James O. (4 Abstracts)
Loeschcke, Volker (1 Abstract)
Loew, Ellis R (1 Abstract)
Loftie-Eaton, Wesley (1 Abstract)
Logan, Michael L (1 Abstract)
Lomiiko, Gideon Lawi (1 Abstract)
López, J. Andrés (2 Abstracts)
Lopez-Rull, Isabel (1 Abstract)
LoPresto, Sarah (1 Abstract)
Lordahl, Rachel (1 Abstract)
Lorenzen, Eline (2 Abstracts)
Loverdo, Claude (3 Abstracts)
Lovette, Irby (1 Abstract)
Lovin, Mary E. (1 Abstract)
Low, Candace (1 Abstract)
Lowe, Eric (1 Abstract)
Lowry, David (1 Abstract)
Lozano-Vilano, M. Lourdes (1 Abstract)
Lu, Lu (1 Abstract)
Luecke, David (1 Abstract)
Luetje, Charles (1 Abstract)
Luikart, Gordon (3 Abstracts)
Lukasik, Piotr (2 Abstracts)
Lutzoni, Francois (4 Abstracts)
Lynch, Michael (4 Abstracts)
Lynch, Vincent (1 Abstract)
Lyons, Justine I. (1 Abstract)
Lytle, David A. (3 Abstracts)

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