Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)
When will the program be available online?
When will I hear whether my talk or poster was accepted for the program?
All submitted presentations are automatically accepted. If you require a letter of acceptance or a letter of invitation, please contact Johanne Strogan at johanne@botany.org.
Can I give a regular oral presentation AND a lightning talk at Evolution 2013?
Yes! We are offering lightning talks for the first time and hope many attendees will give it a try. More information is available on the Presenter Information page.
How do I get reasonable accommodations for the meeting?
- You have two options:
- Contact Snowbird Reservations - 800-453-3000. More options have been made available in Alta (about 2 miles up canyon from the conference site). Shuttle service will be provided.
- Contact Evol2013@pdx.edu
to get information on the room sharing wiki.
How do I get to Snowbird from the airport?
- Airport shuttles may be arranged through Snowbird Central Reservations (800453-3000) up to 48 hours prior to arrival. Current round trip pre-paid price is $68.00 per person, plus driver gratuity. A 5% Group discount off 2013 rates will be extended. Prices subject to a gas surcharge should local gas prices increase above $5.00 per gallon. Walk-ups are accepted on a space available basis at the Canyon Transportation desk located in the baggage claim area of the Salt Lake City International Airport. Cancellations received within 48 hours of arrival are non-refundable.
How do I edit my presentation?
Login to the program site HERE.
You can edit your title, keywords, and abstract (if you are applying for an award).
You can change your own information, but you will not be able to change the information for your coauthors to correct spelling of names or institutions.
If your coauthor information is incorrect, you can:
Tell them to create a login with their email address and correct the information.
If the email address you used is incorrect then simply delete that coauthor and create a new one with the correct address.
- If all of the above does not work then please contact us at Evol2013@pdx.edu
How do I enter a middle name or initial?
Login to the program site HERE.
You can add multiple names and initials to your first name field..
When will early registration close?
When is the presentation submission deadline?
Do they sell alcoholic beverages at Snowbird?
Yes. All the restaurants have full alcoholic beverage service. Beer, wine, and spirits can also be purchased in the General Gritts Wine and Liquor Store in the Snowbird Alpine Village. Wine and spirit prices are state regulated so they are the same at all liquor stores. Beer sold in grocery and convenience stores is limited to 3.2% alcohol content.