Professional Development Workshop
Avoiding Extinction in the Classroom: A Professional
Development Workshop for Undergraduate
Friday, June 21, 2013
Evolution is a key biological concept, but
it is also a very challenging topic to teach. Join
us for a day focused on effective methods and tools for
teaching evolution. This workshop is designed for
future and current faculty and will include information on
national movements to improve undergraduate biology
education, evolution resources to use in the classroom,
information on how students learn evolutionary concepts,
and more. For more information contact Louise Mead (lsmead@msu.edu),
Jamie Jensen (jamie.jensen@byu.edu)
or Kristin Jenkins (kjenkins@nescent.org).
Sign up for the
Professional Development Workshop by paying the $25
fee when you register for Evolution 2013.
Registration is limited to 30 participants.
This workshop includes lunch and teaching
This workshop is sponsored by the SSE
Education Committee, BEACON
and NESCent.
Additional information and a schedule can be found here.