Field Trips and Activities
All field trips will take place on Monday
afternoon. Trips will leave from the parking area just
outside the lower floor of Cliff Lodge near the valet
parking station. The afternoon trips will depart at 12:30
PM and return by 7:00 PM. All field trips have limited
capacity so sign up early to reserve a spot. You will have the option to sign up
for field trips and excursions when you register for
the meeting. See the Registration information
page for more details.
Daily Activities
Morning Bird Walks - Saturday through
Tuesday 6:30 AM
Birds are abundant in the aspen woodlands
and meadows just across the river from the village.
Whether you are a first-timer or experienced birder you
will enjoy the morning excursion and an opportunity to see
some of the more beautiful birds of the area.
Species that you are likely to encounter include
MacGillvray's Warbler, Swainson's Thrush, Mountain
Bluebird, Warbling Vireo, Western Tanager, Broad-Tailed
Hummingbird, Mountain Chickadee, and Pine Siskins. A
limited quantity of lender binoculars may be available,
but if you have a pair then please bring them. Meet at
the EVENT TENT.. No registration required.
Alpine Village
The Snowbird Resort offers numerous
opportunities for relaxing and enjoying the views from
patios, terraces, and indoor lounges. Swimming pools,
tennis courts, a spa, fishing pond, and playground.
With an activity pass you will have access to the alpine
slide, Zip Rider, bungy trampoline and more facilities
available within the village. The Aerial Tram
will take you up to the top of Hidden Peak at 3353 m
(11,000 ft). From there you can hike, bike or ride the
tram or Peruvian Quad ski lift back down to the
Activity passes and tram tickets will be available to
meeting attendees at a discounted rate for the duration
of the meeting.
Monday Afternoon Excursions-
Pre-Registration Required
Shuttle Service to Cecret Lake and

Catherine's Pass Trail Head
Cecret Lake and Catherine's Pass. These are the "must do" hikes for summer visitors to Snowbird.The trail heads for both hikes are located just up the canyon from the village of Alta. From the Snowbird conference area it is a little over a mile to the end of a paved road which then becomes a gravel road (easily navigable by an ordinary car) and it is a further 1.5 to 2 miles to the trail-heads. Normally the gravel road is open to vehicular traffic, though heavy winter snowfall may delay its opening. There will be free shuttle service from the conference center to the trail heads or to the end of the paved road depending on snow conditions.
To reach Cecret Lake: follow the gravel road
until it ends at the campground and from there follow the
trail to the west and up to the lake. A short hike takes
you up to a spectacular lake tucked into a glacial cirque.
From the village it's a short walk or drive up to the
trail head - as far as you can drive up the road. Continue
walking up the road to the campground and then follow the
trail to the west and up to the lake.
For Catherine's Pass, prior to the campground, at the
terminus of the ski-lifts, there are public bathrooms and
an alternate hike to Catherine's Pass and associated
alpine lakes. It is the first parking area before you come
into the Albion Basin Campground area. You will be able to
see the trail climbing to the east of the parking lot.
After passing through the meadows the trail takes a short
climb to Catherine Pass at an elevation of 10,240 ft. The
trail you are standing on is now part of the Great Western
Trail. From Catherine Pass the trail descends into Big
Cottonwood Canyon. Another half a mile and you will be
hiking past lakes Mary, Martha, and Catherine. .
Catherine's Pass Botanical Hike
There will be a guided botanical hike to
Catherine's Pass leaving the Snowbird Conference area via
shuttle bus at 1:30 PM and returning via shuttle at 6:00
PM (eat your lunch prior to the hike).
Registration is required and seats are limited.
Birds and Wildlife of Antelope Island
Antelope Island
is a one-hour drive north of Salt Lake City. There is
excellent birding along the causeway where it crosses a
shallow region of the Great Salt Lake. Here you can view
thousands of shorebirds including avocets, cormorants,
herons, willets, and a variety of ducks and gulls. The
island is occupied by populations of American bison and
pronghorn as well as a good diversity of plants and birds.
Bird species you are likely to encounter include
California quail, chukars, kingbirds, shrikes,
meadowlarks, and black-throated sparrows. You will be
accompanied by an experienced birder who is familiar with
the best birding locations in the area. A limited number
of lender binoculars may be available, so please bring a
pair if you have some. Whether you are a first-timer or an
experienced birder you will enjoy the diversity of
wildlife and the spectacular views.
Registration is required and seats are limited - $30.00
Botanical Tour: Halophytes of
Big Spring Cancelled
Guided trip of the incredible
halophytes at Big Spring on the northern tip of the
Stansbury Mountains (elev. 4,223 ft.) in the West Desert
of Utah, south of Timpie Springs Wildlife Management
Area. The temperatures will be hot in areas with little
cover. Special personal gear would include a hat,
walking stick, a good supply of water, personal
snack/energy food items, jacket, sturdy hiking/walking
footwear, sun screen and sun glasses.
Registration is
required and seats are limited - $30.00
Red Butte Garden and Rio Tinto Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum of
Utah at the Rio Tinto Center is
located just east of downtown Salt Lake City on the
University of Utah campus. This beautiful new facilty
houses a number of exhibits of local natural history and
archeology. The Red Butte Garden is
adjacent to the museum. Excellent opportunities for nature
viewing and hiking with trail heads originating at the
Registration is required and seats are limited - $30.00
Downtown Salt Lake City and Temple Square
Temple Square
is located in downtown Salt Lake City and offers
numerous venues for shopping and sight-seeing. This is
world head quarters for The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. Lots of opportunities for shopping,
dining, and learning about the pioneer history of the
region. Temple Square has a number of attractions
including the Church History and Family History
Library. You can also visit the Family Tree Center
to discover your ancestors with the help of expert family
history specialists. You are able to search over 650
million names from around the world using FamilySearchâ„¢
Internet Genealogical Service on the center's computer
Registration is required and seats are limited - $30.00